Company Details
Registered Office
IMPORTANT: Full, verifiable address details are required.
Company Officer
IMPORTANT: Full, verifiable name and address details are required.
Please provide the name of the Company Officer who will act as signatory on the ASIC Form.
(include ACN if Company)
(include ACN if Company)
(include ACN if Company)
(include ACN if Company)
(include ACN if Company)
Required Declaration
PLEASE NOTE: In order for a company to deregistered under subsection 601AA(1) and (2) of the Corporations Act:
(a) all members of the company agree to the deregistration; and
(b) the company is not carrying on business; and
(c) the company’s assets are worth less than $1000.00; and
(d) the company has paid all fees and penalties payable under this Act; and
(e) the company has no outstanding liabilities; and
(f) the company is not a party to any legal proceedings.